July 29, 2013

The big make-under

In the next few weeks I will be moving from Michigan back to my townhouse in the Chicago area (long story, some other time).  I absolutely love my townhouse and over the 10+ years I've owned it  I decorated every square inch with bold color, faux finishes, antiques, treasures brought back from trips around the world, and basically anything else I could think of.  I never thought I'd tire of its bold, over-the-top look. The picture you see is before the move to Michigan (where the furniture now resides) and before the renter.  Well, times and tastes have changed and I'm seriously ready for a make-under.

And this picture is only the beginning. I have a red kitchen with a metallic gold ceiling, black trim, and antique Chinese screens.  Old kitchen appliances need to be replaced.  A worn-looking kitchen table needs to be replaced with a more modern kitchen island.  Cabinets need to be replaced or resurfaced. Bedrooms and bathrooms need to be toned down and softened. The list goes on and on
The plan is for light walls, dark stained floors, and mid-century modern furniture and accents. Room & Board is my inspiration.  Right now I'm trying to find the perfect color palette paint colors and I stumbled into a neat website called Design Seeds.  You can search color palettes by theme or by creating your own color based on an RGB sliding scale. 

I know that I want greys/neutrals on my walls and furniture and use pops of color as accents.  Here is a palette that I like:

Does anyone have the perfect grey?  If you do, please let me know.  I'll be documenting the transformation as it happens.

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